Projects and Publications

  • Assistive Technology Ecosystems Mapping Project, Northern Melbourne

    Assistive Technology in an Industry 4.0 World is a project developed by Proactive Ageing in collaboration with Rodin Genoff & Associates. Special thanks go to North Link for providing the support to make this project possible. Commenced in August 2019 and is due for completion in April 2020.


    Application for advanced ecosystem and cluster mapping. Accelerates innovation, start-up formation and B2B connectivity and helps to put your companies, industries and cities to work.

  • Swedish Best Practice Bio-Economy Ecosystem Mapping Project

    An ambitious ecosystem mapping project utilising advanced spatial and data analytics developed by Rodin Genoff & Associates to delve into the dynamics between business performance; Industry 4.0; the circular economy; and the ability of gender balanced teams to drive innovation.

  • Manufacturing the Future, Denmark

    The region of Lolland, Guldborgsund and Vordingborg south of Copenhagen, engaged Rodin Genoff & Associates in 2018 to be the Manufacturing the Future project’s lead consultant. Its aim was to strengthen regional industry clusters and use Rodin’s company’s collaboration and business development partnership tools.

  • Winning Collaborations, Denmark

    The Ringkøbing-Skjern Erhvervsråd (Business Council), located on the west coast in Denmark, engaged Rodin Genoff & Associates to drive its Winning Collaborations project. Its aim was to strengthen regional industry clusters.