Initiating Women Building Sweden - new business network in the construction sector to support innovation and create new business value

Now the business network "Women Building Sweden" for women in the construction sector is starting. First out are about twenty women from Northern Central Sweden, all with connections to the construction industry. The aim is to create a business network for women in leading roles to develop sustainable construction, achieve increased innovation and business benefits. At the same time, the network will be a platform for collaboration to get new agreements, create new business opportunities and gradually grow both nationally and internationally. The launch of the network will take place on 11 September 2020 at 10 am by Governor Ylva Thörn.

- We have created a business network with fantastic women in the construction industry, our goal is to develop sustainable construction through collaboration and creativity, says Kristina Hansen, CEO of Structor Byggteknik Dalarna AB.

For two days, about twenty women from the construction sector in Dalarna will now gather, conduct a workshop and launch the network.

- Contributing to more women entering the industry and also daring to take leading roles is extremely important. The industry and companies feel better and become more profitable and innovative if it is equal. We want to change structures and norms and share each other's knowledge to achieve innovation and business value, says Gabriella Hagman, CEO of Mondo Arkitekter Dalarna AB.

The business network will also implement a mentoring program to build leadership and career development. Furthermore, the network will develop knowledge with expert lectures in digitization, circular economy, innovation, technology, social sustainability and economics etc.

-I am attracted by the power of a female network with a focus on the entire construction chain from architect, via the client to the contractor and production of materials. We women need to both show that we exist as role models for other women but also help each other to support each other in a male-dominated guild. Diversity in the industry will increase the degree of innovation and benefit all players! says Susanna Karlevill, CEO of Kopparstaden

During the launch of the network, Rodin Genoff, CEO of Rodin Genoff & Associates will participate. Rodin is a business and innovation expert and author of the book "New Women, New Men, New Economy" and he will talk about international significance and leadership for Women Building Sweden. Initiatives for the network come from Gabriella Hagman, CEO of Mondo Arkitekter Dalarna AB and Kristina Hansen, CEO, Structor Byggteknik Dalarna AB. Rodin Genoff has inspired and supported the network and raised it to an international level. In collaboration with ByggDialog Dalarna, Dalarna Science Park, Industriellt UtvecklingsCenter Dalarna and PaperProvince Värmland.

- It will be exciting to follow this network, not least from a female leadership perspective in an industry that is very male-dominated, says Governor Ylva Thörn who will be on site and inaugurate the network.

WHEN: Friday 11 September at 10 am, Governor Ylva Thörn launches the “Women Building Sweden” business network at Green Hotel, Ovabacksgattu 17, 793 70 Tällberg


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