Data Visualisation Expert
Andrea has a long term working relationship with Rodin Genoff & Associates and has partnered with us to support the company in undertaking ecosystem mapping projects and developing the company’s technology ecosystem mapping platform and app, WinningClustersLive.
Andrea is co-founder of Small Multiples, one of Australia’s leading data specialists, who transform data into powerful, beautiful, inspirational instruments for change.
Over the past nine years, she has designed an app that for the Australian Museum, charts that measure homelessness for the national Australian TV station the ABC and maps that compare national health systems for the World Health Organisation.
Andrea has also undertaken a number of highly innovative data analytics and visualisation projects for the New South Wales Government’s Environmental Data Portal and for the national television broadcaster SBS’s Census Data Explorer. She has worked with major government departments, universities, NGOs and businesses and media companies across Australia and internationally.
In 2018, her company was a finalist in the NSW Premier’s Multicultural Communications Awards with Not a Single Origin.
Andrea’s expertise is in the co-design interactive data exploration and visualisation tools that will support effective strategy development and effective organisational communication internally and externally with stakeholders.